Rental property Inspections
for Baltimore city and Baltimore county
Properties in Baltimore county
Rental Inspection Requirement
If you own a building in Baltimore County that contains six dwelling units or fewer that you intend to rent, including Section 8 and BRHP-assisted properties, each rental unit must be registered or approved for exemption by Baltimore County before tenants move in.
For Baltimore County you must have an inspection performed by a state-licensed home inspector. The inspector must complete an Inspection Sheet (PDF) for each unit you intend to rent.
As a licensed home inspector, AAA Quality Home Inspectors can inspect your rental property and provide the required Inspection Sheet to meet Baltimore County’s requirements.
Baltimore County
Rental Inspection Sheet
The following items are identified in the Baltimore County Inspection Sheet and will be reviewed by us during your rental property inspection.
These requirements are subject to change without notice, please visit Baltimore County’s Rental Housing Site for current requirements and to view the full Rental Inspection Sheet we will complete for your property.
Smoke Detectors
Your property must have approved smoke detectors installed in accordance with Baltimore County regulations.
Electrical wires are not visible in living areas.
There is hot and cold running water in kitchen and each bathroom with no leaks below sink area and all toilets flush.
There are no sleeping areas in the basement or if there is a sleeping area in the basement, there is secondary means of escape as required.
The furnace is either operational or because of outside temperatures it is unable to be tested.
Railing is present for interior and exterior steps with more than 3 risers.
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Monoxide Detectors are present on every level of the dwelling and audible in sleeping areas.
The inspector is to identify any readily observable problems that in the inspector’s opinion represent an immediate threat to the health or safety of occupant.
Baltimore City Inspections
On August 1, 2018, a new law took effect requiring all Baltimore City rental properties, including one- and two-family and multi-family dwellings, to be licensed to operate as a rental by January 1, 2019. In order to receive a license from the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) the property must meet two requirements: 1) be registered with DHCD using the online portal and 2) be inspected by a State Licensed, Baltimore City registered Home Inspector.
As a licensed home inspector, AAA Quality Home Inspectors can inspect your rental property and provide the required Inspection Sheet to meet Baltimore City’s requirements.
We will inspect your rental property and complete the Baltimore City Rental License Inspection Form. Some of the areas we will inspect are as follows, please visit Baltimore City’s rental site to view the current form and detailed inspection information and requirements.
Electrical service, wiring, fixtures and safety requirements.
Service and meter.
Water service, plumbing fixtures, leaks and safety requirements.
Safety and Structure
Railings, doors, windows, additional interior and exterior structures as required as well as general safety and cleanliness requirements.
Lead Inspections
Maryland’s Reduction of Lead Risk in Housing law requires owners of rental properties built before 1978 to register their units with Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), distribute specific educational materials, and meet specific lead paint risk reduction standards at certain triggering events. We can perform the required tests to assist you with your rental property lead inspections.
In general, compliance requires the following. Requirements may change without notice, view current compliance requirements and and additional information at the MDE site.
Owner must register all rental dwelling units within 30 days of acquisition and renewed on or before December 31 each year. Registration includes the payment of $30 per rental dwelling unit.
All tenants must be provided with the “Notice of Tenants Rights,” and “Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home” brochures and a copy of the current inspection certificate upon inception of the tenancy and every two years thereafter.
All rental properties subject to the Act are required to be lead inspected by a MDE accredited lead paint inspector upon the occurrence of certain triggering events. The lead inspector will issue a Lead Paint Risk Reduction Certificate and all supporting documentation, summarizing the findings of their inspection. The Accredited lead paint inspector will submit a copy to MDE and provide two copies to the owner. The owner should keep one copy for their records and give one to their tenant. A. MEET FULL RISK REDUCTION STANDARD AT EACH CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY IN A UNIT. All properties subject to the Act are required to pass an inspection for lead contaminated dust, performed by an MDE accredited inspection contractor, prior to every change in occupancy. In order to pass the inspection, the property must be free of defective paint on the interior and exterior of the property. B. MEET THE MODIFIED RISK REDUCTION STANDARD UPON NOTICE. Within 30 days of being notified in writing of either paint defects in a property or that a child under 6 years of age or pregnant woman has a blood lead elevation of 10 micrograms per deciliter or more the owner is required to: 1. Provide for the permanent relocation of all tenants to a property that is certified lead free or in compliance with the full risk reduction standard; or 2. Temporarily relocated all tenants while all necessary work is performed and obtain a passing modified risk reduction certificate prior to the tenants moving back into the property.
All work performed to meet a risk reduction standard must be performed by persons/companies who have been trained and/or accredited by MDE.